The file "alures_statistics_data_published.csv" contains all published statistical data on the use of animals for scientific purposes under Directive 2010/63/EU since 2015.
The reporting categories were amended from 2021 data onwards following Regulation (EU) 2019/1010 to:
Export all data: alures_statistics_data_published.csv
The main file "alures_nts_projects.csv" contains all the data of the latest published NTS versions of the project since 2021.
Export all data: alures_nts_projects.csv
Updated every working day.
Where data attributes consist of more than one component (such as keywords and purposes) or a combination of different data elements (such as expected harms combining species and severities), each component is separated by a comma.
For those who want to process and analyse the data in more detail using their own tools, it is possible to download the below data attributes separately.
These can be linked to the main file "alures_nts_projects" via the key "nts_id".
The main file "alures_ra_retrospective_assessment.csv" contains all the data of the latest published RAR versions since 2022.
It is important to remember that only 17 Member States require the publication of the Results of Retrospective Assessment. These are: Belgium, Bulgaria, Greece, Croatia, Cyprus, Lithuania, Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Sweden and Finland.
The remaining Member States neither record in their Non-technical project summaries (NTS) whether a project is selected for Retrospective Assessment, nor publish these results (RAR).
Bulk export all data: alures_ra_retrospective_assessments.csv
Updated every working day.
Where data attributes consist of more than one component (such as reasons for retrospective assessment ) or a combination of different data elements (such as actual harms combining species and severities), each component is separated by a comma.
For those who want to process and analyse the data in more detail using their own tools, it is possible to download the below data attributes separately.
These can be linked to the main file "alures_ra_retrospective_assessment" via the key "ra_id".